Lemonsoft’s pricing is based on the user-specific monthly prices shown below. Additionally, we charge a basic company-specific fee. Prices are tax-free user-specific monthly prices. The information in parentheses indicates the product code of the software package.

In Finnish


Basic Programs, E1

The E1 package is intended for mobile and office personnel who record work, log working hours, or travel expenses. The package also includes receipt imaging, approval of purchase and travel invoices, and Regista. The HR calendar, LemonFiles, and production work stamps are also included in the package.

13,50€ / month / user

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Office, O1

In addition to the E1 package, the office package includes sales order processing, quotation calculation, inventory accounting, and customer relationship management. Invoicing, sales ledger, and sales contract management are also included.

The package is suitable for basic office workers and includes a mobile application for warehouse functions.

35,00€ / month / user

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Project and Sales Management, Purchases, O2

The package designed for project and sales management includes project management tools, resource allocation, and sales management monitoring tools in addition to the basic programs.

Purchase orders are also included in the package.

49,00€ / month / user

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Finance and HR Management, O3

The O3 package, designed for finance and HR management users, includes everything necessary for accounting and payroll. In addition to the O2 package, it includes bank connection, accounting, fixed asset accounting, purchase ledger, payroll, and accounting archive.

59,00€ / month / user

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Management, O4

This package, designed for management, includes tools for finance and HR management as well as management tools.

69,00€ / month / user

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Production Planning, P1

The package is intended for production planners who monitor production load and plan production. It includes production control tools that improve your company’s efficiency throughout the production process.

The content of the O4 package is also included.

99,00€ / month / user

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